The submission period
for issue #52 is closed!

bottle rockets issue #52 will be out in February. Did you order your copy?

Order your copy of br #52 and/or subscribe now before the rate increase
on March 1st.


Best Haiku Anthology - HSA Merit Book Awards 2024 -

Best Haiku Anthology - HSA Merit Book Awards 2024 -

The newest anthology from bottle rockets press featuring more than 100 poets.


bottle rockets

flying 26 Years!



Window Seats: A Contemporary Anthology of Cat Haiku & Senryu

Important Notice re: International Shipping

We will no longer be able to ship BOOKS outside the US
due to global postal rate increases.

The haiku magazine, bottle rockets, will continue to be mailed outside the USA.

New Services offered by bottle rockets press!

Books Received

bottle rockets now reserves a place for poets and publishers to send in a copy of their latest book or chapbook to have listed. You can never have enough outlets. now live!

Use the submission form and find out more by clicking here.


Currently we are not considering new haiku-art, haiga, etc.

bottle rockets issue #52
was mailed out


bottle rockets issue #53:

[April 1st - May 15, 2025]
Submission period is closed
for issue #52!

Please plan accordingly. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

Thank you for
your interest.

Please read the submission guidelines carefully.


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to support the work of bottle rockets

Thank you!