

Important Notice: Our submissions address has changed for bottle rockets: a collection of short verse - the poetry magazine - those go to editor Tom Sacramona at br’s new Framingham, MA office. Any correspondence related to bottle rockets press the publishing house: those queries go to the founding at the same Windsor, CT World HQ. (2/24/2025)

Send submissions & subscriptions to editor Tom Sacramona via snail mail only to:

Tom Sacramona, Editor bottle rockets: a collection short verse
8A Warren Place
Framingham, MA 01701 USA

Send any correspondence/business related to bottle rockets press the publishing house (as before) to:

Stanford M. Forrester, Founding Editor
bottle rockets press P.O. Box 189
Windsor, CT 06095 USA

The submission period
for issue #53 opens April 1st.


Best Haiku Anthology - HSA Merit Book Awards 2024 -

Best Haiku Anthology - HSA Merit Book Awards 2024 -

The newest anthology from bottle rockets press featuring more than 100 poets.


bottle rockets

flying 26 Years!

Important Notice re: International Shipping

We will no longer be able to ship BOOKS outside the US
due to global postal rate increases.

The haiku magazine, bottle rockets, will continue to be mailed outside the USA.

bottle rockets issue #52
was mailed out


bottle rockets issue #53:

[April 1st - May 15, 2025]
Submission period is closed
for issue #52!

Please plan accordingly. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.

Thank you for
your interest.

Please read the submission guidelines carefully.


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